Inventory & Pricing

Delivery & pickup charges vary based on number of machines, length of rental, and distance. It can range from no charge for a nearby 6 month home rental to $150 per machine or more, so talk to us. Experienced pinball hobbyists can handle their own transportation with company approval.

Pricing below is for home rental per month. Event and business / office rental pricing is available on a quote basis, but a loose rule of thumb for events is 6 months home rental plus delivery & pickup. For a business / office rental, figure two to four times the home rate depending on the expected use.

All of the above is for machines set to free play. For machines placed in public that will be "pay to play", talk to us about your rental and revenue sharing options.

Star Wars Trilogy 1997 Sega / Stern Not Available $175.00
The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle 1993 DataEast Not Available $150.00
No Fear: Dangerous Sports 1995 Williams Not Available $150.00
High Speed 1986 Williams Not Available $125.00
Black Knight 1980 Williams Available $125.00
Fireball Classic 1984 Bally-Midway Available $100.00
Kings of Steel 1984 Bally-Midway Available $100.00
Bobby Orr’s Power Play 1977 Bally Not Available $75.00
Strikes and Spares 1977 Bally Available $75.00
Mata Hari 1977 Bally Available $75.00
Black Jack For Sale - $1,800 1977 Bally Available $75.00

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